(828) 286-8970
Healing Touch Chiropractic Center
Health · Chiropractor · Acupuncturist
Healing Touch Chiropractic Center
Explore the Benefits of Chiropractic and Acupuncture
Quality Care
Meet Our Doctor...
Dr. Lee Anna Edgerton has been practicing since 1981. She has an approach like no other. Prior to becoming a chiropractor, she was a massage therapist. This helped to pave her way through chiropractic school and gave her a good foundation to grow her chiropractic techniques. Her adjustments consist of a combination of hands-on manipulation along with an activator (trigger point manipulation). This helps to ensure that she is able to manipulate the specific areas needed. Because of her massage training, she feels that the muscles in the body play a big part in the success of a chiropractic adjustment; therefore, she always perform myofascial release before her adjustments. Myofascial release is a form of massage therapy that helps to release tension in the muscles. She strongly feels that, in doing this, it helps to relieve tension on the spine, insuring a more successful adjustment. She offers a wide variety of therapies which include: electrical stimulation, ultrasound, mechanical traction, oxygen therapy, and weight management.
She is not an aggressive chiropractor, so you won't feel as though you have been beat after leaving. I know some people like that feeling. She is more of a gentle adjuster. When you leave this office, you feel more at ease. I will be honest, either you really love her and her techniques or you do not. Those that love her techniques are continuously returning. This can be seen in her busy schedule and how long it actually takes to get an appointment. There, however, have been a few instances in the 5 years I have worked for her that someone just wasn't happy and chose to go somewhere else.
If you think you would like to meet her and give her technique and experience a try, I am more than happy to schedule you.
Chiropractic care is a noninvasive regimen of treatment for certain musculoskeletal disorders that result from nervous system dysfunction stemming from misalignment of the spine and joints. Chiropractic care focuses treatment on the manual adjustment or manipulation of the spinal vertebrae to unblock the flow of energy and blood to the nervous system; it can also include nutritional counseling and stress management....Elizabeth R. Agnvall and Corynne Corbett
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In chiropractic it is mainly viewed as points to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. We believe that this stimulation boosts your body's natural painkillers... Mayo Clinic
A Happier, Healthier You
Weight Management
Weight Management Program
The purpose of the Healing Touch Weight Management Program is to not only help you loose weight but to help you build and maintain a healthy lifestyle with nutritional guidance, stress management, and behavioral modification. We will instruct and encourage you on this personal commitment for
Life Changing Success!!!
The Program will include:
One on One Coaching/Directing
Weighing in 2 times a week
Weekly Food Journal
Daily Slim Down Supplement
Guided increase in activity
Stress Management Support
Environmental Factor Assessment
Special Introductory Price: $450 for the first month
Each additional month will be charged at the regular rate of $600.
Nutritional Supplements
We offer a wide range of nutritional supplements to fit your needs. We do offer consultations to discuss your supplemental needs with the doctor so that the proper
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen Therapy is very helpful for those that have breathing problems; but, it can be very beneficial for everyone. Oxygen Therapy helps to keep the organs healthy and functioning properly. It will help you to feel less breathless when doing strenuous activities and have more energy to perform those activities. Overall, Oxygen Therapy can help you feel and sleep better.
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Please call if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.
Opening Hours
9:00 - 4:00 Mon.
9:00 - 4:00 Tues.
9:00 - 4:00 Wed.
9:00 - 4:00 Thurs.
Closed- Fri.